Saturday, February 1, 2014

What is..

..that echo when I make a point that sounds like the ghost of Ellen?

@ Things

..I don't know what your main question is.  I just find that in Orlando we interpret her messages of jealousy.

Her dad isn't from New Orleans, I heard, he is from possibly Europe, probably England or France.  Also found she is Dutch.  So, she is judging us by our ancestry.  How can she be New Orleanian completely in the way she judges others?  I realize she is all New Orleanian and European, but I don't let other Europeans hurt me cuz I'm American.


It's not really okay.. but for me it works out, kinda wanna get away from that 1 person I don't believe in..

I'm stuck..

..with animals in Orlando like Ginny.  Animals for hurting my future daughter.  Don't hurt others.


I don't wanna be stuck with someone when someone else is "stuck" with "someone better."  I don't wanna be stuck to anyone.  I don't need anyone.


Did my dad just trash me to this experiment?  No one is good enough for me unless they're something like on IMDb.  I'm not a bad person.  Everything is done for a reason.  I don't even know why I'd seem bad.  I thought I was nice, even if I hate someone or think they're worthless.


Do you dislike how Ellen tells people to do things to me supposedly and is mostly focused on feeling aroused|stimulated?  I'm not asking her to change but not giving anyone a chance.


I think Ellen made me mad at Southerners for not accepting me, but when I do talk to Southerners they aren't a problem.  I posted something that could be seen as having negative impulses.